Why do you ask for my age?
MoneyMakerLand complies with the rules imposed by the European legislation "GDPR" (General Data Protection Regulation) EU 2016/679 effective from 25 May 2018.
In according to this regulation, on the registration process we have to be sure that the new member is 16+ years old.
  • Not showed: your age it won't be shown to the community
  • Not shared: your age it won't be shared to third part services
  • Not personalized: your age it won't be a factor on a personalized experience
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MoneyMakerLand is an online web service since 2013 that helps its users to get free direct referrals for their online earnings businesses: PTC, surveys, network marketing, PTP and much more.
MoneyMakerLand is one of the biggest online earning communities with 50.074 members who daily exchange tips, upload proofs of payment or leave their testimonials.

MoneyMakerLand offers an advanced service to get free direct referrals thanks to which our members were able to find 10.081 real free direct referrals confirmed.

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