Methods with investment are blacked out

ood evening everyone,as you will have noticed on GetMyRefs all the businesses with a initial investment have been obscured.
Unfortunately this is not an error, but this cancellation was the result of my voluntary action: from now on will no longer be accepted business that require an initial deposit.
I am aware that this decision will infuriate some of you users who with their earning methods round up their salary; I am also aware that this decision will be detrimental to the same project of GetMyRefs which is deprived of a ”good slice of the market” (in a while have been obscured more than 120 descriptions!)... however it was a mandatory choice!
I do not like using words and, as always, I want to speak as sincerely as possible coming straight to the point.
When I talk about the mandatory choice is because, a few days ago, I received a letter from Consob that warned me about the advertising in GetMyRefs of business related to financial investments, on pain of a fine that even in 3 lives I couldn't pay!
Talking to some of the most active users, we came to the conclusion that, for the sake of the project and especially for my person, it was preferable to remove any business with investment from GetMyRefs: no more HYIP, no more Profit Sharing, no more Crowdfunding or private loans ... in short, in GetMyRefs will be shown and accepted only business whose use is completely free!
I apologize for this drastic decision, but I hope you understand me.