Change of name for the community: MoneyMakerLand

ood morning everyone: how are you? Everything good?I disturb you with this article because this morning there was a small big change in the community!
Some of you will surely have noticed: the community has changed its name and from GetMyRefs we moved to MoneyMakerLand, literally ”The land of those who make money”.
Why this change?
More than legitimate question considering that within the community everything has remained the same: same graphics, same descriptions, same everything!
As many of you will remember, some time ago I pointed out in an article that the sharing of GetMyRefs links on Facebook was blocked and indicated as dangerous by the social platform.
For this reason, several users have declined invitations to register because the reporting of a domain as dangerous led them to be afraid... comprehensibly!
Despite all my efforts to report to Facebook the question and the goodness of this community, I just ended up spending days on days filling out only automatic forms without ever receiving a real answer!
In the meantime, the project is starting to take hold even outside Italy with numerous registrations by foreign users and, a higher wait without the security of a resolution, will become unsatisfactory in terms of credibility and traffic.
Speaking with some of more experienced users it was decided that it would be better while the international project is in its infancy so as not to see the indexation work behind it sacrificed.
Changing domains on the internet means starting from zero, so it's better to do it now that we're on the tenth page on Google rather than waiting when we're on the front page!
I'm really sorry for all these constant changes, but I hope you appreciate the effort!
See you soon with other interesting news,