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The 5 characteristics that a successful entrepreneur must have

Created by MoneyMakerLand Calendar May 06, 2020 How to make money online in 2025
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s it possible to make money online? But is it legal to make money online?
These are some of the classic questions that I receive daily by email to which I always answer with the classic phrase ”Yes, making money online is really possible but it takes the same commitment, sacrifice and passion that entrepreneurs have in real life”.
Unfortunately (and fortunately) also making money with the internet is a real job and requires a commitment in terms of energy, time and money that should not be underestimated: the one who undertakes the Networking career is an entrepreneur of himself with the risks and benefits that follow.
But what are the main traits that we have identified in the main world entrepreneurs?
Let's see a list of the 5 characteristics that a successful entrepreneur must have.

The patience is the virtue of the strong said an old proverb and never sentence was more adapt.
A true leader must know how to wait and not react on impulse because haste has always been a bad adviser, especially in those choices that an entrepreneur often has to face.
Never get caught up in anxiety, even in cases where it all seems lost because a real entrepreneur, one of the really good ones, always finds a solution to the problem.

This is a cult phrase and perhaps even overused, but the error generates experience and therefore teaching for the future.
The famous Ciro Andretti said ”Experience is the sum of mistakes”, but allow me to slightly rephrase this maxim by transforming it into ”Experience is the summation of different mistakes”.
By summation we mean different elements (in this case errors) that are added together, while the simple sum could hide a fool who makes the same mistake 10 times.
In any case, let's forget about these linguistic subtleties and dwell on the content that I think is obvious to most readers: a good entrepreneur must have an experience that allows him to guess when he can run into a mistake and avoid it.

One of the most important and often underestimated aspects is the ability to listen, a true 360 ??° listening.
A true entrepreneurial leader must know what the customer wants, he must meet the needs of the market as much as possible in order to satisfy them: you can have the most beautiful, fragrant and inviting car perfumer in the world, but if your audience only moves in bicycle you remain alone with your product.
Listening is also intended as feedback and collaboration. Lately, in jargon they are called ”Brain Storming” are spreading and the good entrepreneur is the one who is able to listen to the proposals of others and evaluate them constructively: avoid sticking to your idea believing it to be the best , I assure you that you will never go anywhere!
Mind and ears open.

A true entrepreneur must be sure of his strength and his product, but be careful not to fall into arrogance because the boundary line is very labile.
Being sure of yourself means being aware that what we have to offer is something that can be useful to the interlocutor, probably it will not be the best product and surely there will be better sellers around than me, but I assure you that after listening to your need what I propose can serve you.
Being self-confident is very difficult and it is a feeling that is acquired only after a long introspective journey as a consequence of one's choices and life experiences.
How many times did we like a boy/girl when we were kids and we never had the courage to talk to each other? Everyone is at ease in what is called ”comfort zone”, but sometimes to gain self-confidence one must have the courage and strength to get out of this wellness area to take security: once taken the courage to invite the boy/girl to go out, the insecure teenager takes confidence and regardless of the outcome of the invitation he will succeed the next time first to find the courage to approach.
The true leader must be confident to generate peace of mind by being careful not to look like an inflated ball.

Very connected to the first point related to patience, the true leader must not get caught up in anxiety and whatever happens must try to have a cold attitude as if he were a robot.
How did the brilliant Elon Musk feel when he broke the glass of what he was selling as an indestructible car during the worldwide presentation of his new car? Yet as a successful entrepreneur, according to many the greatest living entrepreneur, he joked about it and went on as if nothing had happened.
This is just an example of how a true leader must put aside any personal emotion, positive or negative, to see the situation in its entirety in a completely objective way.

I conclude this article by posting a maxim of the mythical Walt Disney who said ”All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them” (”All our dreams can become reality if we have the courage to pursue them ”) because having the goal in mind and doing everything to want to achieve it is perhaps the greatest motivation that allows people to achieve their goals.

Happy earning everyone.


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