GetMyRefs is here to expose very useful services that will surely be appreciated by all of you: free phone calls.
How much do you spend on your mobile? You will tell me little because you've promotions, but try to think about it well. Quite often these promotions are just advertised to sell more.
In fact, our monthly $ 10.00 / € 20.00 always goes.
If you are interested in the subject, we will discuss this page and discuss some of the services available on the web that allow us to charge our cellphone free of charge.
The answer, if you are guided visitors to GetMyRefs, you will realize that it is always the usual: advertising.
There are sites that, sponsored by the major phone operators, offer pay in the form of telephone cards in exchange for advertising (in a few words it is a kind of PaidToPromote, with the exception that instead of being paid with money, you are paid with a phone charger).
The answer is not uniform, also because there are different ways of advertising.
In some sites you earn credits by receiving advertising texts; in others advertising the site with promotional links; while others are still subscribing to and participating in the sites.
Generally, all these opportunities offer a pay equal to a few pounds accumulating over time. Once you get to the prize threshold (usually recharge with minus amount) you can make the request.
Our advice is to avoid the methods that send messages to your phone (those in practice where you earn points by receiving messages). Besides being annoying, they might conceal some hidden subscriptions (I speak for experience).