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eoBux is an online revenue website on the internet since 2011 reliable, secure and paying.
The languages present are English, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Polish, Finnish, Swedish, German, French. The Italian language is missing, but the site is organized in a functional and intuitive way, with clear and easy to use graphics.
Once registered and logged in, we arrive on a page with all the essential items: on the left the main menu with: Global, Settings, Referrals, Logs. The chosen option is displayed in the middle; e.g. clicking on Summary (under Global) will display all the summary data of our membership.
At the top right are: user name, earnings report and some quick access icons to some functions (referrals, statistics, settings, etc.).
Below is the most important line where the number of active Ads (divided by type) and the main items are displayed: AdPrize, View Advertisements, Games, Offers, Forum, FAQ, choice of language.
The main method to earn is to click on advertisements (View Advertisements).
On average about twenty Ads are divided every day, divided into categories that differ in terms of duration and payment.
To validate an AD you must click on its title and then on the red dot that will appear in its description; then the relative page will open and it will be necessary to wait for the time that the O of
Neobux in the upper left has completed the lap, so you can click on CLOSE and return to the page of the Ads by filling in the expected profit.
The average daily profit, by clicking all the available Ads, is about 3 cents, so we will have about 20 cents a week and 80 cents a month.
Each validated Ad also entitles you to 4 attempts in the AdPrize section, a sort of lottery with which you can view other quicker Ads to be used within 240 minutes with which you can win prizes but with a very low percentage of winnings (prizes may vary and the maximum is the annual Golden Membership).
To increase earnings it is advisable to hire referrals (or using the accumulated earnings as soon as the figure for the minimum 3 package is reached or by investing funds since the site has a good reputation and is online and paying for a long time). Referral clicks are paid roughly half of our and for a maximum of 4.
Attention: to have counted the revenues derived from them, it is necessary to correctly click at least 4 Ads in the previous 24 hours referred to the server time (in the Summary a graph showing the number of clicks recorded for both Local Time and Server Time is shown).
How to make money online with Neobux
Technical informations to optimize the revenue website of Neobux
In Neobux the minimum payout is $ 2 and the expected processors are AIRTM, NETELLER AND SKRILL.
In addition to clicking the Ads, other sources of income are the GAMES and OFFERS.
With GAMES you receive $ 0.001 for each game session of minimum 2 minutes for up to 250 times a day.
OFFERS are of three different types:
- COINS where you earn by doing various actions such as downloading apps, making subscriptions, surveys, etc.
- MINI JOBS where you earn by doing homework
- SURVEYS where you earn by participating in surveys.
In some moments a red window may also appear on the left or lower on the main page to participate in a specific survey: if it is completed you will immediately earn from 25 to 50 cents.
For any more detailed information on the use of the site there is also a FORUM where you can read various guides to understand all the most advanced aspects in depth and especially the various strategies to maximize the revenue derived, as well as being able to compare with the experiences of other users and to be able to request further clarifications.
Here is also a section in Italian and there are posts in which it is very well explained the mechanism to be understood to increase the gains over time exponentially.
It is also possible to upgrade your membership to the Golden level at a cost of $ 90 per annum to get more revenue from clicks and other benefits (referral number, lower costs, etc.); in the appropriate section there is also a simulator that shows the benefits deriving for a better evaluation before the purchase.
Referral system in Neobux
Reference system of Neobux, can you make extra money inviting your friends?
Payment is made through the following processors: Skrill, Neteller or AirTm, recently introduced and recommended for very low fees as it has been eliminated, hopefully for a short time, PayPal.
The minimum payout, to be had in the ballance, is only 2 dollars and usually the transactions take place during the day.
How to withdraw in Neobux
Detailed informations about the payments in Neobux
Payment is made with Skrill, Payza or Perfect Money. The minimum payout is only $ 2 and usually the earnings arrive in the day.
Neobux: info specifics
Overview about Neobux in MoneyMakerLand
Name |
Neobux |
Grank |
7.31 |
Category |
Paid To Click |
Languages |
Payout |
2.00 $ |
Payment processors |
Referral system |
50 % |
Payments on MML |
8553.05 $ (view all) |
Reviews on MML |
113 (view all) |
Rating by users |
Chats on MML |
257 (view all) |
Expert users on MML |
762 (view all) |