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yPage5 is one of those sites on the internet that allow you to earn online through the use of a social network.
MyPage5 has only one defect that may be quite boring: it does not present the translation into multiple languages!
However it is worthwhile to register even if you do not know the language properly because it is really an interesting gain method.
MyPage5 has a somewhat old style graphics in the mid-2000s, but very functional for use where everything is viewable and traceable.
What's positive is that the social network pays for each action that takes place on the portal and you can withdraw your earnings by reaching $ 25.00 through PayPal.
But how do you earn?
With MyPage5 you can earn for every simple transaction that takes place free of charge even in Facebook. For example, just signing up you receive $ 5.00 (WARNING: to take this bonus you have to upload the image DURING SUBMISSION!), uploading photos you receive $ 0.01 as well as commenting on video or others blogs.
We also note that there is also a reference system that allows you to accumulate up to 15% of the earnings of our invitees.
How to make money online with Mypage5
Technical informations to optimize the revenue website of Mypage5
MyPage5 offers a reward for each action to entice users to create a huge community with more and more subscribers.
But let's see how you can earn with this social network:
Every time a user subscribes to the site uploading his own image DIRECTLY IN THE FORM of enrollment he earns well $ 5.00. Always remember to pay close attention to uploading the image at registration because otherwise you will not be credited even one penny;
- CREATION OF A PERSONAL BLOG = $ 0.04 (limit of 5 per day)
It's important to point out how this blog does not have to bring back materials that are already present in other blogs / sites, as a subtraction of $ 10.00 from MyPage5 account. It's possible to load 10 blogs a day even if only 5 will be accepted;
- COMMENTS TO BLOG = $ 0.01 (limit of 10 per day)
Users are allowed to comment on 10 other blogs daily. Remember that short and meaningless comments are subject to a $ 5.00 penalty;
- VIDEO LOADING = $ 0.02 (limit of 2 per day)
With MyPage5, users can also upload videos and pay 2 cents each time they do so. Only 2 videos per day and, most of all, non-offensive, unique (unpublished) movies of good quality and with an English title are admitted;
- COMMENTS TO VIDEO = $ 0.01 (limit 5 per day)
Comment on the video you've just seen for up to 5 comments. Remember that as previously mentioned for blog comments, short, meaningless comments will be subject to $ 5.00 penalty;
- GROUP = temporarily suspended
At this time, you can not receive any compensation for each created group. In any case, we recommend that you sign up for the existing groups or create one yourself, because you will also be able to earn by writing and commenting.
- POST IN GROUP = $ 0.01 (limit 1 per day)
Create a new discussion on the day that may be of great interest to other members of the group. Only 1 per day!
- COMMENTS IN THE GROUP = $ 0.01 (limit 1 per day)
Comment on a group post to earn another penny. Remember that no short or foolish comments are allowed (well worth the classic $ 5.00)
- PROFILE COMMENTS = $ 0.01 (limit 10 per day)
Visit other users and write them a constructive comment. Avoid writing too short or silly comments, if your system considers SPAM your views, your balance will be reset!
- CREATE STATES = $ 0.01 (limit 2 per day)
It's possible to put your thought into a state that rewards us $ 0.01 one. Write how you are and publish your thoughts!
- LOAD PHOTO = $ 0.01 (maximum limit of 400 photos)
Users can also upload images to their profile up to 400. Photos to be accepted must not be double or copyrighted images found around the internet.
- PHOTO COMMENTS = $ 0.01 (limit 3 per day)
Comment on the images you just viewed and earn 1 cent. Keep in mind, however, that your comments are constrained to avoid penalties of $ 5.00.
- CHAT = $ 0.02
Join the chat of your favorite color and stay in that conversation for at least 15 minutes to receive the bonus.
Invite your friends to sign up and earn 15% of their earnings. IMPORTANT: It is important that your referrals are active if they are not deleted from our list of invitees and we will not receive any compensation.
Also, it's good to inform everyone that it's not possible to "live and earn" the work of their guests, but to make sure that their earnings are necessary, we need to have a business within MyPage5.
How much can you earn?
By leaving the $ 5.00 bonus on the inscription, let's do some calculations by imagine doing everything possible every day:
0.00 $ (4 blogs) + 0.10 $ (10 blog posts) + 0.04 $ (2 uploaded videos) + 0.05 $ (5 comments to the video) + 0.02 (post and comment in the group ) + $ 0.10 (10 comments to profiles) + 0.02 $ (2 status updates) + 0.05 $ (5 uploaded images) + 0.03 $ (3 comments to the photos) = 0,61 $ total.
By multiplying the daily earnings you just found for 30 days, you will find our $ 18.60 monthly earning.
Does it look like a little? Apart from the fact that these just listed operations will take away at most 40 minutes a day, however, we are forgetting something very important: 15% of the referrals' gain.
We actually have 40 invites underneath us and we'll see how much the total gain can be.
By accepting the hypothetical case that even all of them perform all the operations shown above, we will find that our earnings from their work will be $ 18.60 (the monthly earnings previously found) x 0.15 (the 15% percentage that suits us) x 40 (number of referrals) = $ 111.60.
In the hypothetical case of having 40 subscribed friends below us as we do all the day-to-day operations we will come to earn $ 130.20 per month ($ 18.60 Our + $ 111.60 of Referrals).
Mypage5: info specifics
Overview about Mypage5 in MoneyMakerLand
Name |
Mypage5 |
Grank |
3.34 |
Category |
Social Network |
Languages |
Payout |
25.00 $ |
Payment processors |
Referral system |
15% |
Payments on MML |
$ (view all) |
Reviews on MML |
2 (view all) |
Rating by users |
Chats on MML |
0 (view all) |
Expert users on MML |
1 (view all) |