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Why should I have to sponsorize?
Booking a link means inserting your own referral link in the description of the business. You can sponsorize the reservations for more advantages:
  • Suggested business: if you want to be sure to have one daily reservation blocking offers by covering the cost of the maximum offer
  • Rewards more the users: members can get 800 points (instead of 400) in case of subscriptions
  • More visibilty: sponsored businesses will be in the top of the lists and they appears as popup on the right bottom part of the screen
  • Link in ADS frames: during the navigations your ref link will be showed to the users in the ADS frame
Check out our sponsoring service
What's the meaning of the words under the green button?
MoneyMakerLand is one of the best online platforms to get free direct referral. We offer an advanced service that allows you to insert the ref-link in the "Visit now" green button of our official description of Buyon.
  • Reserved: there is a ref-link of a member that used our referral reservation service
  • Sponsored: there is a ref-link of a member that shared his sponsored link
  • Not reserved: there isn't a ref-link of a member even if Buyon has a reference system
  • Not bookable: Buyon doesn't have a referral system to invite friends
Check out our referral booking service
160th place in the ranking
Grank: 5.96
Link not reserved
( ? )
Grank: 5.96


Link not reserved
( ? )
Usage informations

We collect the various businesses suggested by users and we have nothing to do with the latter (including Buyon), therefore it is not responsible for any possible wrongdoing.
We also don't force and not invite anyone to sign up, so using the various businesses presented (including Buyon) should be considered as an autonomous and conscious choice of the individual who, assuming all the responsibilities, decides to open a position with this business.

Are you a responsible?

If you've noticed any errors or need to delete Buyon from MoneyMakerLand, you can contact us directly by email at moneymakerland@gmail.com

9th position
in "cashback"
160th position
in the ranking
Usage informations

We collect the various businesses suggested by users and we have nothing to do with the latter (including Buyon), therefore it is not responsible for any possible wrongdoing.
We also don't force and not invite anyone to sign up, so using the various businesses presented (including Buyon) should be considered as an autonomous and conscious choice of the individual who, assuming all the responsibilities, decides to open a position with this business.

Are you a responsible?

If you've noticed any errors or need to delete Buyon from MoneyMakerLand, you can contact us directly by email at moneymakerland@gmail.com

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How to make money with Buyon: full review

Created by Calendar

With Buyon you can make money with a return on your spending, but how does it work Buyon? How to get direct referrals for free in Buyon? Reading this article you'll understand how to make money with Buyon.

How to make money online e how to get free referrals with Buyon
You can alert the community, but before you need to login in MoneyMakerLand.

uyon is a cashback site suitable for all those who normally make online purchases ... it is very easy to use because just sign up and remember to access buyon before making purchases online, do a simple search and if the site is present among those inserted in buyon you will see your cashback percentage (ie how much of your online purchase will return you in money) of course the site from which you purchase must confirm that the transaction has ended positively and only after the money will be credited to the buyon account from which you can withdraw on arrival at 50 euros. Simple and effective! Imnoko S.r.l., an Italian company, with registered office in Italy at number 97 of Via Garibaldi, Arezzo (AR) 5210. Once the purchase is made through buyon you can enter a note as a reminder. The account can be connected to the browser x have a pop up window that reminds us to switch from buyon if the site we are consulting is in the list of Buyon members. There is a reference system: by submitting a friend via reflink you will be credited 5 euro bonus, when the presented friend will have reached the first 5 euros of accumulated cashback! In addition to sharing your reflink, you can share links to Offers: if someone (even not a buyon) buys through this link, you will earn cashback on that purchase. There is also a 1 cent bonus for daily access to the site. If you have installed the browser extension, the daily bonus will amount to 2 cents. The extension is very useful because, when you browse sites, it warns you if you can get cashback by making a purchase through Buyon . Example: within the JustEat website, the extension with a small pop up warns me that you can get cashback from purchases on that site: you can close the pop up (which will not reappear anymore during that browsing session) or click on it above to be redirected to the BuyOn link. Through an accurate support system you get help regarding any untracked clicks and unrecognized cashbacks.

How to make money online with Buyon

How to make money online with Buyon

Technical informations to optimize the revenue website of Buyon

Buyon is an Italian cashback site. When you sign up via reflink you will receive 10 euros immediately on your account, free of charge. It is possible to earn in various different ways. Cashback: for every online purchase on agreed buyon sites (currently 398 stores, including prominent brands such as eBay, Groupon, AmicaFarmacia, JustEat), a percentage of the amount spent is credited to your Buyon account. The purchase must be made in particular ways and that is: prior login in buyon and through the link to the site on buyon. It is possible to install a browser extension that indicates if the site you are navigating adheres to the buyon cahback system, through this extension, if it is positive, you can also make access faster and check that the transaction cashback is successful. Cashback for purchases of others: you can share with others (eg on their social networks) links to particular offers, if friends (even non-members buyon) buy through these links, you collect the relevant cashback, as if we had purchased we. Referral: presenting a friend via reflink will be credited 5 euro bonus, if and when the friend presented will have reached the first 5 euros of accumulated cashback! Bonus for daily access: 1 cent is credited for daily access to the site. If you have installed the browser extension, the daily bonus will double and then amount to 2 cents. Payment takes place upon reaching 50 euros and is made by bank transfer. The support service is very accurate and effective.

Referral system in Buyon

Referral system in Buyon

Reference system of Buyon, can you make extra money inviting your friends?

There is a reference system that allows you to earn 5 euros for each friend invited!

Are you searching for free direct referrals in Buyon?
Our members got 10.081 referrals thanks to our "Reservation service"
Get free direct referrals now

How to withdraw in Buyon
How to withdraw in Buyon
Detailed informations about the payments in Buyon

The minimum payout is € 50 (goal can be reached very easily considering the € 10 gift for registration and € 5 for each friend presented). Moreover, reaching this threshold is possible through the purchase of products that we would have purchased anyway, as it is possible to obtain cashbacks from shops such as eBay, Groupon and other very famous brands.

Info specifics Buyon Buyon: info specifics
Overview about Buyon in MoneyMakerLand
Name Buyon
Grank 5.96
Category Cashback
Languages Italian
Payout 50.00 $
Payment processors Bank Wire
Referral system 5 €
Payments on MML 1098.75 $ (view all)
Reviews on MML 15 (view all)
Rating by users 4.06 on 5.00 stars
Chats on MML 7 (view all)
Expert users on MML 58 (view all)